Rust by Example: Collections - Hash Maps

Hashmap<K, V> is a collection of key-value pairs, where K is the type of the key and V is the type of the value. The keys of the HashMap can be booleans, integers, string or any type that implements the Eq and Hash traits. Hash maps store their data on the heap, they are growable, but can shrink themselves when they have excess space. Check the documentation for the most common methods and operations that can be performed on hash maps.

Run code Copy code
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {

Create a new hashmap with HashMap::new().

    let mut ages = HashMap::new();

Create a hashmap with initial key-value pairs using HashMap::from().

    let _contacts = HashMap::from([
        ("Alice", "123-4567"),
        ("Bob", "234-5678"),
        ("Charlie", "345-6789"),

Insert key-value pairs into the HashMap.

    ages.insert("Alice", 42);
    ages.insert("Bob", 24);
    ages.insert("Charlie", 36);

Insert a key-value pair only if the key is not present.


Retrieve the value associated with a key, in combination with if let.

    if let Some(age) = ages.get("Alice") {
        println!("Alice's age is {}", age);
    } else {
        println!("Alice's age is not available");

Retrieve the value associated with a key, in combination with match

    match ages.get("Alice") {
        Some(age) => println!("Alice's age is {}", age),
        None => println!("Alice's age is not available"),

Updating a value in the HashMap by overwriting

    if let Some(age) = ages.insert("Alice", 43) {
        println!("Alice's previous age was {}", age);

Updating a value based on the old value.

    let age = ages.entry("Alice").or_insert(0);
    *age += 1;
    println!("Alice's age is {}", ages.get("Alice").unwrap());

Removing a key-value pair


Removing a key-value pair and getting the value, in combination with if let

    if let Some(age) = ages.remove("Bob") {
        println!("Bob's age was {}", age);

Removing a key-value pair and getting the value, in combination with match

    match ages.remove("Bob") {
        Some(age) => println!("Bob's age was {}", age),
        None => println!("Bob's age is not available"),

Check if a key exist

    if ages.contains_key("Charlie") {
            "Charlie's's age is {}",

Check if a key exists, in combination with match

    match ages.contains_key("Charlie") {
        true => println!(
            "Charlie's age is {}",
        false => println!(
            "Charlie's age is not available",

Iterate over the key-value pairs

    for (name, age) in ages.iter() {
        println!("{}: {:?}", name, age);

Iterate over the key-value pairs and modify the value

    for (_, age) in ages.iter_mut() {
        *age += 1;

Iterate over just the keys

    for name in ages.keys() {
        println!("{}", name);

Iterate over just the values

    for age in ages.values() {
        println!("{:?}", age);

Check the number of elements in the HashMap

    println!("The number of elements are {}", ages.len());

Check if the HashMap is empty

    println!("Is empty? {}", ages.is_empty());

Clear all key-value pairs

$ rustc
$ ./hash-maps
Alice's age is 42
Alice's age is 42
Alice's previous age was 42
Alice's age is 44
Bob's age is not available
Charlie's's age is 36
Charlie's age is 36
Alice: 44
Charlie: 36
The number of elements are 2
Is empty? false
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